The design language for the simulator buildings is the same although the objectives are different. Pilot training for Comair and other international aviation companies is done by Comair in these buildings. The buildings consist of simulator spaces, lecture rooms, conference rooms and offices. All technical areas were specifically planned for the requirements of each simulator. Workshop areas and spares storerooms are shared between the simulator buildings.
All accommodation requirements had to fit into a two storey structure. The height of the envelope for the movement of the simulators is 9500 mm. The curved roof structure provided the additional height needed for the two simulators in the middle and most of the accommodation requirements on the sides. All three buildings are orientated directly north to allow maximum daylight on the northern and southern facades to penetrate deep into the simulator open spaces. Sun control louvers on the outside of the northern glass façade protect the simulator halls from direct sunlight.
When the second simulator building was built, a new main entrance on ground floor was designed with a link between the existing and new buildings on the first floor. Direct access from the main entrance to the training was required.
The design of the entrance consists of curved pipes with different curves to identify and enhance the different functional spaces within the entrance. The workmanship of the building contractor, the design challenges and the vision of the consultants ensured an end product which creates an atmosphere similar to an earoplane fuselage. When the third building was designed a new entrance with access control was incorporated to ensure a safe, controlled pedestrian movement onto the site.
Media in Africa had a look at the new Comair Simulator building and here’s what they had to say

Steel Awards 2011: shortlisted in the tubular steel category