The corner site at the intersection of Lenchen Avenue North and John Vorster drive, posed some unique design challenges for us to design a hotel to satisfy the client’s brief.

The foot print followed the triangular shape of the site with parking in the basement and on the ground floor with the main pedestrian entrance from Boabab Street on the northern side. The parking is accessed from Lenchen Avenue North with an exit in Boabab Street.

Due to the limited space available, it was decided to do away with a formal kitchen and restaurant instead there is a cafeteria area in the atrium on the first floor that serves pre-prepared food from an outside source. The rooms are in a V-shape facing South-east and North-west on the first to the sixth floors giving a total of 75 rooms. A universal accessible room is provided on each floor.

Sun- and temperature control is achieved by an external screen consisting of Hulabond panels and special laminated glass.